Visual Timeline: Johannes Kepler

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1570 CE 1580 CE 1590 CE 1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE 1630 CE  
1571 CE - 1630 CE: Life of the German astronomer Johannes Kepler.
1571 CE: Johannes Kepler is born in Weil der Stadt, Germany.
1594 CE: Johannes Kepler is appointed the official instructor in astronomy and mathematics at the University of Graz, Austria.
1597 CE: Johannes Kepler marries a rich widow, Barbara Müller.
1597 CE: Johannes Kepler publishes his Mysterium Cosmographicum (The Cosmographical Mystery), which endorses the heliocentric model of Copernicus.
1598 CE: Johannes Kepler moves to Prague to work at the court of Rudolph II.
1604 CE: Johannes Kepler presents his theory of light being focused by the lens onto the retina in his Supplement to Witelo.
1609 CE: Johannes Kepler publishes his Astronomia Nova (The New Astronomy).
1609 CE: Johannes Kepler discovers that Mars has an eliptical orbit around the Sun.
1611 CE: Johannes Kepler writes the treatise Dioptrics on the best optics for an astronomical telescope.
1619 CE: Johanees Kepler publishes his De Harmonices Mundi (Harmonies of the World).
1627 CE: Johannes Kepler publishes his Rudolphine Tables.
1630 CE: Johannes Kepler dies of illness in Regensburg.
1570 CE 1580 CE 1590 CE 1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE