Visual Timeline: Roman Britain

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60 BCE 50 BCE 40 BCE 30 BCE 20 BCE 10 BCE 0 CE 10 CE 20 CE 30 CE 40 CE 50 CE 60 CE 70 CE 80 CE 90 CE 100 CE 110 CE 120 CE 130 CE 140 CE 150 CE 160 CE 170 CE 180 CE 190 CE 200 CE 210 CE 220 CE 230 CE 240 CE 250 CE 260 CE 270 CE 280 CE 290 CE 300 CE 310 CE 320 CE 330 CE 340 CE 350 CE 360 CE 370 CE 380 CE 390 CE 400 CE 410 CE  
55 BCE - 54 BCE: Julius Caesar's expeditions in Britain.
54 BCE - 43 CE: Roman influence grows in Britain owing to trade.
43 CE: Claudius commences the Roman conquest of Britain.
47 CE - 50 CE: Londinium (London) founded, roads constructed.
51 CE: Briton rebel leader Caratacus defeated, rebellion crushed.
60 CE - 61 CE: Boudicca's Revolt in Britain.
75 CE - 77 CE: Romans defeat the last of the Northern tribes; Roman conquest of Britain complete.
79 CE: Julius Agricola, Governor of Roman Britain, invades Scotland.
122 CE: Construction begins on Hadrian's Wall.
142 CE: The Antonine Wall built under Antoninus Pius, north of Hadrian's Wall.
212 CE: Rome withdraws from region of Scotland.
286 CE: Naval commander Carausius (Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius) declares himself emperor in Britain and Northern Gaul.
293 CE: Emperor Carausius assassinated by Allectus.
410 CE: The Romans withdraw from Britain.
60 BCE 20 CE 100 CE 180 CE 260 CE 340 CE