Search Results: Anne somerset


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Anne of Austria
Definition by Alexa Galue

Anne of Austria

Anne of Austria (1601-1666), as the wife of King Louis XIII of France (r. 1610-1643), was queen consort of France and of Navarre when the Kingdom of Navarre was annexed by the French Crown. She also acted as regent for her son, King Louis...
Anne, Queen of Great Britain
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Anne, Queen of Great Britain

Anne reigned as Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1702 and then, following the 1707 Act of Union, over a united kingdom as Queen of Great Britain until her death in 1714. The last of the Stuart monarchs, Anne's reign witnessed...
Anne Boleyn
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn (c. 1501-1536) was the second wife of Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547). Anne, sometimes known as 'Anne of a Thousand Days' in reference to her short reign as queen, was accused of adultery and executed in the Tower of London...
Anne Hutchinson
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson (l. 1591-1643 CE) was a religious reformer, Puritan preacher, midwife, and alleged prophetess whose beliefs and influence brought her into conflict with the magistrates of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, especially its governor...
Richard, Duke of York
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Richard, Duke of York

Richard, 3rd Duke of York (l. 1411-1460 CE) was the richest man in England and one of the nobles who sparked off the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487 CE), a dynastic dispute that rumbled on for four decades between several English kings, queens...
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Six Wives of Henry VIII

In his search to secure the continuation of the Tudor line, Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) married an incredible six times. Some marriages were the result of passion while others were arranged for political reasons. One divorce caused...
Anne Bonny
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Anne Bonny

Anne Bonny (also Bonney) was an Irish-born pirate who briefly operated in the waters around the Bahamas before her capture by the Jamaican authorities in 1720. As partner to the English pirate John Rackham, aka ‘Calico Jack’, Bonny dressed...
Somerset House Conference, 1604 CE
Image by National Portrait Gallery

Somerset House Conference, 1604 CE

"The Somerset House Conference, 1604", depicts the eponymous conference, which saw the conclusion of the Anglo-Spanish War in 1604 CE. Oil on canvas. 2057 mm x 2680 mm (81 in x 105 1/2 in). (National Portrait Gallery)
The Sweet Track
Definition by Maisie Jewkes

The Sweet Track

The Sweet Track is a Neolithic timber walkway, located in the Somerset Levels, England. It was originally part of a network of tracks built to provide a dry path across the marshy ground. The Sweet Track ran between what was then an island...
Henry VIII of England
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Henry VIII of England

Henry VIII of England ruled as king from 1509 to 1547 CE. The second Tudor king after his father Henry VII of England (r. 1485-1509 CE), Henry had inherited a kingdom which enjoyed both unity and sound finances. Famous for his six wives as...