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Falling Star
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Falling Star

Falling Star is a Cheyenne tale of the great hero Hotoketana'ohtse ("Falling Star") who came from the heavens to stand up for those who could not defend themselves, slay monsters, and save the people from starvation. The hero-from-heaven...
Morning Star (Dull Knife) - Eastman's Biography
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Morning Star (Dull Knife) - Eastman's Biography

Morning Star (Vooheheve, l. c. 1810-1883, better known as Dull Knife) was a Northern Cheyenne chief who led his people in resistance to the US government's policies of genocidal westward expansion. He participated in Red Cloud's War (1866-1868...
Sioux Warrior Rain-in-the-Face (Eastman's Biography)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Sioux Warrior Rain-in-the-Face (Eastman's Biography)

Rain-in-the-Face (Ite Omagazu, l. c. 1835-1905) was a Lakota Sioux warrior and war chief during Red Cloud's War (1866-1868) and at the Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876), after which he became famous as the man who killed Lt. Col. George...
Origin of the Sweat Lodge
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Origin of the Sweat Lodge

The sweat lodge is a temporary or permanent structure integral to Native American culture and frequently used in spiritual ceremonies. The lodge is often a low, dome-shaped, structure heated by hot rocks which produce steam as water is poured...
Chief Morning Star (Dull Knife) of the Northern Cheyenne
Image by Unknown Photographer

Chief Morning Star (Dull Knife) of the Northern Cheyenne

Chief Morning Star (also known as Dull Knife) of the Northern Cheyenne (l. c. 1810-1883). US National Archives and Records Administration.
Erechtheion with Original Paintwork Reconstruction
Image by Mark Cartwright

Erechtheion with Original Paintwork Reconstruction

An illustration of how the 5th century BCE Erechtheion on the Athenian acropolis may have looked with its original paintwork. Original photograph by Mark Cartwright Reconstruction artwork by Tabo Ayala / Arqueo Tabo
Gezer Calendar Original
Image by Oncenawhile

Gezer Calendar Original

The original tablet of the so-called Gezer calendar from the site of Tel Gezer in modern-day Israel. It describes agricultural activities throughout the year at Gezer hence the name. The calendar itself though dates to the 10th Century BCE...
Original Flag of the English East India Company
Image by Wdflake

Original Flag of the English East India Company

The original flag of the English East India Company (EIC), founded in 1600 by royal charter. The company later changed its name to the British East India Company and so the cross of St. George in the top right corner was replaced by a Union...
Original Entrance Doors, Chepstow Castle
Image by Damian Entwistle

Original Entrance Doors, Chepstow Castle

The original wooden doors of Chepstow Castle in southern Wales. The castle was first built c. 1067 CE by Earl William FitzOsbern and then extended from c. 1190 CE by Sir William Marshal (c. 1146-1219 CE). The doors, dated using tree-ring...
Original Model for the Dome of Florence's Cathedral
Image by Sailko

Original Model for the Dome of Florence's Cathedral

The original wooden models submitted by Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446 CE) for the dome of Florence's cathedral, completed in 1436 CE. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence)